Execution Engine

The Execution Engine acts as the operational backbone of SFI Vaults, facilitating the seamless execution of asset management strategies. It connects offchain logic with onchain execution, ensuring precision and reliability in trade execution. Trades are initiated offchain by either a human digital asset manager (DAM) or trading algorithm signals, which are activated by events and conditions derived from technical analysis tools or machine learning signals.

All current Vaults trades are handled by the execution server. Both DAM and trading algorithms can create custom trade orders, such as 'Spot' or 'Market If Touch' (MIT) orders, which the execution server validates and executes onchain. The execution server utilises onchain oracles to ensure accurate token pricing and verifies order matches with each new block.

Trading on Vaults occurs exclusively through the execution server.

The read-only endpoints of the execution server incorporate authentication layers using traditional methods. To modify any state on the server, such as creating or cancelling orders, an additional layer of authentication is required, utilising web3 signature authentication with only select authorised wallets.

Last updated